The new header is rose hips -- the red from red roses (natch) and the yellow from white roses. They are full of vitamin C and they make good jam. I've been told how to do it but I haven't and probably won't. I use very little jam. I understand they also can be the basis of good teas but that I probably won't do either as I mostly prefer a black tea or a peppermint one. But they're pretty! I understand you can't dry them (they shrivel up) and use them for Christmas tree decorations which sounds lovely .... but, alas, impossible.
I often chat a bit a man who goes to the beach I prefer to walk on for a long day of sunning on weekends. He works during the week. We are "regulars" as is a woman I often chat with too. (She feeds the gulls.) This man wanders along the beach, sometimes collecting can and other junk to put in the garbage barrel as he leaves. One day I saw he had a gallon-size plastic zip baggie of rose hips. I asked if he or his wife planned to make jam. He said, "No, they're for the rabbits." He explained two little brown rabbits live at the far edge of his lawn and one day he had brought home some rose hips which is wife didn't want. So he put them out for the rabbits to eat if they wanted. They very much wanted! They loved them. Now they come into the yard looking to the house waiting for rose hips which he keeps in the refrigerator and doles out sparingly. He says they have even sometimes come up to the patio slider and looked in.
UDDATE about the manatee: She swam around for nearly a month and then was caught and taken to a marine animal center in Mystic, Connecticutt where she was given a pool of water about 60 degrees, and examined. They found she was pregnant. The last I heard the plan was to take her back to Florida. I hope she survives.