Mother and Child is a movie by Rodrigo Garcia that brings together the lives of five or even seven different women. I especially love movies where what seems to be disparate stories begin to weave together until, by the end we see how connected the world can be. This movie does just that with three central women played by Annette Benning, Naomi Watts and Kerry Washington. They couldn't be more different and yet, at the end, the connections are all logical and inevitable and very touching. And we see that their strong personalities have caused many of their problems as well as solved the problems by the end.

The men in their lives are necessary for the story (and Samuel L. Jackson is a wonderful choice) but it is the women's story. Adoption is at the center -- a subject that fascinates and yet seems just a little too easy as a fulcrum for a plot. I was especially impressed with Annette Benning whose character was a "difficult" woman by her own admission. I did not expect such a strong story and came away very glad to have seen this movie.
Thanks for the recommendation. I love Annettte Benning. I saw her in a play in San Francisco when she was just starting out as an actress. She was very strong then and has continued to impress me.
Thanks for the recommendation of what sounds like an intriguing movie. Maybe I can find it on netflex? -- barbara
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