In Chaucer's time story tellers were admired but they probably had little hope of their work outlasting them. Not many people were literate and books were rare except in rich men's homes. He couldn't have guessed that his poetry and his simple tales about a bunch of fairly ordinary people on a pilgrimage "that April" would still be read and enjoyed well over 500 years later. Today we have too many books and publishers are miserly gatekeepers. Few of us can hope that when we finish our work and say, "go, little book, go" that it will reach any audience beyond our friends and family -- and most of us have learned that both friends and family are unreliable readers. Of course the same is true of blogs -- of the thousands and thousands, only a handful have many readers. And yet, when I hit the "publish post" I am saying, "go, little blog, go" and hoping someone will read it. Certainly I am not alone, but in this case company is part of the problem -- how will anyone have time for me or I for the many who are saying interesting things?
June -- I must admit I am not into the classics when it comes to reading. But I did like the phrase,"go, litel bok, go." Do you think we all have aspirations to see our work, of any art form, become winsome to the public? I think the answer might be probably? But, in writing, so many factors come into play i.e. self knowledge advancement, individual fulfillment and others too numerous for me to mention. I think you have a thinking, informative blog and I certainly enjoy reading your slant on so many subjects. -- barbara
Putting our reflections 'out there' through our blogs is very much like sending our babies to an unknown kindergarten where an uncaring teacher has the potential to destroy our little darlings' confidence.
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