I had a great-grandfather who didn't do much in his final years except read the Bible and calculate which would end first, the world or himself. Probably he hoped they would be simultaneous but it didn't work out that way. He lived through his first two doom days, one in the 1930s and one in the 1940s [if I am to believe his daughter who was my grandmother]. But he didn't live to see that his third prediction, in the '50s also didn't come true. As I write I remember a picture of the gaunt cheeked, white mustachio-ed farmer in his overalls. I don't actually remember him. Only the members of his church and a few neighbors knew of his predictions.
Of course, I think of him when I read predictions like the most recent that said the world was ending yesterday. A wonderful riff on the non-event has been posted by Bob Bradly of PureLandMountain blog which can be clicked in my sidebar to your right. Bob has a way with words and ideas which is why I've been reading his blog for quite some time. I recommend you treat yourself with a quick click.
June, Thanks for the link to PureLandMountain -- his comments on the world coming to an end were funny.
Like you, I don't have a TV. I hadn't received the news that the world was coming to an end -- not until the day after did someone mention it to me.
That is an amazing photo. Thanks for sharing.
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