Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Rain and Shine

It's half-n-half season -- rain, sun, part of the day some of each, some days all of one or the other.  Sometimes warm, sometimes chilly.  Nature's way of trying out her repertoire.  One doesn't know how to get dressed in the morning, when going out for more than a little while, what to wear: sweather, jacket, raincoat?  Take an umbrella? 

In the morning, after a rainy night but when the sun was out brightly and warmly I went for a short walk and found these mushrooms where not a hint of mushroom existed the day before.  A little later I stopped to admire these bits of sunshine in a front yard. As I write it's gray and damp again.  Nature's way of  making sure we're on our toes, never complacent about what the day will bring.

1 comment:

Folkways Note Book said...

June -- great post. Liked these words "Nature's way of making sure we're on our toes, never complacent about what the day will bring." How true I find these words -- barbara