Thursday, November 29, 2012

Is it just human nature?

I'm a little irked.  I don't know if it's just human nature to be ungenerous or if it's men paying no attention to women.  I have done two treks in Nepal, one on the usual tourist route and one in a very little visited part of the country (see photo -- see any people?) A series of lectures have been put together this fall at the adult learning center. Today was one about trekking in Nepal. A well liked man had been asked to talk about his three treks in Nepal. He's personable, been around the organization a long time, a good speaker.  His treks were all in the popular area where I first trekked.  He and his wife both know that I have done these treks. Last winter I won a magazine contest with an essay about my more exotic trek and send both husband and wife an emai link. I don't know for sure if either read it.  -- Wouldn't most people read a link to a publication by someone they know? -- Anyway, a casual conversation with the man some months ago included a brief mention that I too might have interesting information to share at the time of this lecture.

No.  No mention was made of my treks, I was not invited to speak even a little bit, it's as if they had no idea my experience might be as interesting as his. (More so, I think, because I got to know something about Nepali life, past and present.) So I remain ladylike and quiet and they certainly won't see this blog so I am venting a bit here.  Does the man want all the glory for himself? Did he utterly dismiss my experience from his mind? He totally ignored the fact that the talk might become more broadly informative if I were given ten minutes to speak. What is going on here?  I will not confront him and will not complain to his wife; that seems petty and I will not be petty.  Yes, my ego would very much like people to know I did something that is a bit extraordinary, too, I admit that. But I certainly think if we were in opposite roles, I would have invited him to share the stage.


Folkways Note Book said...

June -- Women have been put in secondary positions for years. But times are changing -- just not in this man's world. Our election had women coming out in numbers for what they wanted from our government. Your incident is a reminder to women to keep the equality flame burning. -- barbara

Linda@VS said...

Yes, it is human nature. It is the nature of some humans to hog all the glory for themselves, and it is the nature of most of us to.resent it when that happens to us. I'm glad you realize that your travel experience was better than his, even if you didn't get to say so.

Jonas said...

I won't venture a guess as to the reasons why, not knowing any of the principals. I do know this: the audience was short-changed.

I also know this: I'm crazy with envy. Trekking through Nepal is a heckuva adventure. Color me green. Vivid green.

Ladydy5 aka: Diane Yates said...

Vent June! Vent