Sunday, July 13, 2014

Moon like a bride behind a veil

As most of us have noticed the middle of July moon seems to have grown bigger and brighter.  We've mostly had clear skies but a couple of evenings ago, I glanced up before I went to bed and saw that a small, whispy cloud was hanging over the face of the moon like a lacy bridal veil.  This is not a professional quality photo but it is close to what sent me quickly in search of my little Sure Shot  to get this picture.  Then I just stood and looked at it for while.


Ladydy5 aka: Diane Yates said...

It looked larger than before as we too saw it.

Folkways Note Book said...

June -- I believe this moon is the super moon -- meaning close to the horizon. At least that is what the news folks said. It sure was beautiful. Here in Oregon it had a different look than in the east -- clear and orange here -- like a big pumpkin in the sky. -- barbara

Kass said...

That is such a pretty picture.

June Calender said...

Yes, it was called a super moon here - by the time it was as high in the sky as when the photo was taken it seemed fairly normal in size.

Thanks for all your comments.