Thursday, April 9, 2015

April is ...

What can I say about April on this drizzly, chilly day without seeing a flower or an expanse of green grass. I think of T.S. Eliot -- I don't know where he was when he wrote his famous opening  lines of The Wasteland and refers to lilacs.  I don't expect lilacs for another four or five weeks.  But I have been thinking of that bulls eye of a first line:

APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding 
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing 
Memory and desire, stirring 
Dull roots with spring rain. 
Winter kept us warm, covering         5
Earth in forgetful snow, feeding 
A little life with dried tubers.               

Piles of dirty snow long turned to ice, still hunker at the edges of parking lots. The wind and the rain are chilly, the sky sometimes turns sunny but mostly is gray.  It's a month to endure this year.  In the past it has been a month of promise and early flowers.  April is poety month and I have read some very fine poetry.  A ver nice thing indeed. I am not reading the remainder of TheWasteland, I need a warm and sunny day to counter the tone of it.


Folkways Note Book said...

June -- the east has certainly had a hard winter that seems to be leaving reminders to all in your area by leaving dirty snow around the edges of streets and parking areas. Dare I mention that my front yard lilacs are in full bloom as well as some other spring beauties. But I speak not too loudly as weather is fickle. -- barbara

June Calender said...

Yes, Barbara,weather is fickle. We have smell the lilacs when they bloom. Our April has been SO fickle, I don't know from day to day what kind of jacket to wear.