Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sign and photo

Many months ago I noticed this sign on  two-lane street that is a connection to downtown Hyannis and popular Rte 6A which runs along the north side of Cape Cod. It comes shortly before a railroad crossing where only one train a day crosses. I told Rachel about it and we've thought of taking a photo but it's never happened until today when we also had Rachel's friend Paloma with us as we were all going for a walk at an Audubon reserve. I visualized a photo of a couple of old people bent over canes, their backs to the sign. But that was not the idea the others had so here we are ... I'm the "Old person"  being guided by Rachel. The sign is the focus which IS what I visualized. I drive that way frequently but I have yet to see a person, young or old, actually walking along that stretch of the street.

Our walk through woods and down to the harbor was fairly long but perfectly wonderful on a sunny, slightly cool autumn day with many fallen leaves beneath our feet.  We passed an enclosure with about ten goats, the sign identified them as "working goats". They are apparently taken to weedy areas where they are allowed to eat all the weeds and such (even poison ivy, I'm told). They are an ecological preference to the use weed killer in places like the right-of-way beneath power lines. They're attractive animals to watch  ... unfortunately they have in inevitable goaty perfume.

1 comment:

Norma said...

What a great sign. I love it. I'm 80.