Saturday, March 15, 2014

50th Birthday Party

Well, no, Patrick's 50th birthday party last night did not have a cake like this -- far better!  A blueberry topped cheesecake from Alison's recipe made according to strict instuctions by brother Andrew.  Plus many other delicious deserts that followed a pot luck dinner.  Obviously one is getting older, as am I and ex-husband Joel, when son-in-law turns 50 and daughter will also turn 50 in three months. 

It was a largish party in the community building near a friend's house -- on a partly frozen lake.  The house was ideal for such a party, a large open space, comfortable furniture, kitchen  and fireplace.  Parties are ideally family and friends and this was just that. What made it different was that all guests knew they would be asked to tell a story -- maybe about Patrick, or about aging, or about a personal experience. No one was required to tell a story but about half the guests did.  Stories ran the gamut, many were funny.  Some were memories that revealed things unknown or forgotten -- details that stayed in one person's mind (younger brother thinking he would be literally tickled to death  by big brother -- and waiting years to get even).  It was a very memorable way to celebrate a birthday.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Lots of 50's going on this year for you. Its always fun when the family gets together and relives past events. My husband is one of 5 sibs and they always have hilarious stories to tell, even if we have heard them before.

Have a great weekend.

Folkways Note Book said...

Attending a family and friends party
is a warm affair. The food you mentioned was fabulous. Stories from friends and family always seem to bring lots of laughter. -- barbara

June Calender said...

Thanks, Carol and Barbara, I totally agree.