Monday, March 17, 2014

What's With My Memory?

I went to Staples because I needed a new toner cartridge for my printer.  I've had the printer about two and a half years and purchased quite a lot of toner in that time. Standing in front of the large wall display of toners I went straight to HP then I stopped. It is 90-something.  But what number? I decided it must be 92.  I purchase the toner and came home.  I had forgotten to take a little baggie of used toners for recycling. If I had I would have known that I my printer actually uses number 96. 

However, when I paid for the toner in the first place the clerk asked for my customer card and but I lost it quite some time ago. She merely needed my phone number. Now over four years ago when I moved here I purchased something at Staples, sans customer card and told the clerk I was new here and the telephone number attached to the original card was outdated. I gave her my new telephone number.  EXCEPT ... I misremembered it. What I told her was one number wrong.  Ever since then, when purchasing something at Staples I give them the wrong telephone number even though the correct number comes trippingly (as they say in poetic circles) off my tongue. Today I gave the  appropriate incorrect number.  That I remembered correctly.

When I got home I saw that the toner I purchased was the wrong one.  So I had to go back, this time taking the used cartridges for recycling, and exchanged the wrong toner for the correct one, and once again I gave the clerk the incorrect phone number that matches what they have on record. It feels like, on this St. Patrick's day, a leprechaun in my memory is playing some kind of tricks, with both wrong and right memories. 


Folkways Note Book said...

You are just fine -- people forget numbers real easy and scramble many too. It does make us stop and think that our memory is slipping but no it's like that for all ages. -- barbara

Lynn Guardino said...

Your little memory memoir is one to which I relate, oh so well. There are too many numbers in our worlds. I would like it so much better if we were asked questions such as "what's your favorite color?" or "where do you go to see the sunset?". Would the world not be a happier, less-stressed place were that type of system used rather than "what's your phone number?". I wish you peace but before I can, I must type the numbers in down below my comment so that Blogger knows I'm not a robot. What does that say for all of this number stuff??? Robot? Good grief! Is that what Staples is trying to prove, that you are NOT a robot?

June Calender said...

Thanks, Barbara. It's more irksome than worrisome.

And thanks, Lynn, I like these numbers things less than the previous non-word letter scrambles because I always tried to make a meaningful word of them. Ah, well ... At least the people at Staples were polite.

Kass said...

Did you ever see the movie "Memento?" The main character has pertinent information tatooed on his body. I think about this from time to time.

June Calender said...

Never saw the movie -- what a funny idea. I did think I should write the toner number in my little purse diary, but I haven't done it yet.